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11 Top Tips, Career Advice for Women – Daily CN Bangla










11 Top Tips, Career Advice for Women

CNBangla Desk :: Business people discussion advisor concept about women career Powerful Career Strategies for Women.

11 Top Tips for Advancement:

· Always have a current resume
· Develop a strong personal brand and be visible
· Build your network
· Ask for feedback
· Always take on new challenges
· Project confidence
· Be persistent
· Be someone people want to work with
· Plan your career
· Find a mentor
· Self-promote

There was a time when women and careers didn’t go together with words.

Women’s career paths are often complicated – provide inequality and perpetual glass ceilings stand in the way of women’s career advancement – are strategies that women should consider when they look forward to their careers.

Despite these challenges, the general idea is that women are becoming increasingly more successful in performance. After all, of course there are a lot of career tips out there for women – and a few good news. Women are more represented in the workplace than ever before and have a higher percentage of managerial and executive jobs than in the past. There are many more women-owned businesses than in the past.

But not all news is good. Although many organizations report commitments to gender diversity, those commitments have not translated into meaningful progress across the board. Progress is not just slow – in some cases it stagnates.

A study conducted by McKinsey in partnership with Linin.org is the conclusion of Workplace Women in 2018. In the fourth year of their ongoing study, the study looked at the issues women are facing, brought data from 2,279 organizations that employed more than 13 million people in a survey of more than 644,000 employees and conducted multiple qualitative interviews.

Now the companies need to take more decisive action. It starts with the treatment of gender diversity as a business priority, starting with goal setting among leaders responsible for outcomes. It needs to close gender gaps in recruitment and promotion, especially in the early days of the pipeline when women are often neglected. And that means taking bold steps to create a respectful and inclusive culture that makes women and all employees feel safe and supported in the workplace.

For all the women who look at her career test, here are ten tips to take it one step further.

If you do not accept your opinion, your work areas do not see the very unfortunate resources, the fact that you can show some understanding to your boss and his monthly email motivations are simple because the progress of the project and the success that can be recovered.

1. Always have a current resume

Without a well-written, well-organized resume you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way. My most important career advice for women is to learn to write a resume that will make you competitive in today’s market.

If you are scared of the possibilities, using a professional lifestyle builder can help. These tools will guide you step-by-step through an updated, modern resume process. And, around your application materials, a professional cover letter maker can help you write a cover letter that emphasizes the most impressive credentials of your new resume.

2. Develop a strong personal brand and be visible

One of the best parts of career advice for women is to develop a strong personal brand.

Also, being recognized in your case will help your chances of getting another job at an event you never quit. So, be visible and make sure you are able to tell your career story in a concise and interesting way about what your unique skills and achievements are.

3. Build your network

You have the option to network both inside and outside your organization so that your situation changes. People remember your name when you want interesting projects being discussed. Get to know the right people and impress them with your work. Building a strong network is worth the time and effort – it’s career advice for women and men alike.

4. Ask for feedback

Asking women for feedback for more career advice. The only way to improve is to know what needs to be done. Employees who actively seek feedback from management and then apply it wisely and effectively have become top performers in their field.

5. Always take on new challenges

If you are asked to do something that excites you but you are not sure that you are fully prepared, always say yes – you will understand “how” later. I remember when I came to Athens, Greece to speak at a conference for HR professionals. I have never talked about this particular topic or in front of 200 people before.

Preparation was stressful but it was an incredible experience that really boosted my confidence. Have the confidence to try new things or even take a side step to get a new perspective.

6. Project confidence

The more confident and capable you are, the more you will be able to build confidence in your own abilities towards others. You need to be able to express yourself clearly and ask what you need or need.

Also, speak more slowly – some of us (myself included!) Are naturally fast. Others speak quickly when panicked. But speaking too fast indicates a lack of authority or a lack of confidence, so slow down.

7. Be persistent

If you really want that job or promotion, don’t give up. Sometimes things don’t happen as fast as we would like, but once you set your own goals, you’re lonely. Write down your goals, review them regularly, and help achieve them. I noticed that I was gracious about creating my online course because I was so overwhelmed. Since I hired a coach, progress has been significantly faster and my course is almost complete!

Also, make sure your manager knows what your professional goals are so tell them what you want to achieve and seek feedback / support if needed.

8. Be someone people want to work with

If you do a little more than you expect, you will often be recognized. Also, always be honest and kind – never hesitate to work. You may be the most deserving person but it will be difficult for you to achieve your career goals if people do not trust you or do not like you.

9. Plan your career

10. Find a mentor

Most of the women who have been successful in their careers and have reached the position of influence are credited with their participation in some form of counseling to get them to their place today. Many organizations have women’s initiatives and networks, and even when they provide support, women around the world still represent only 25 percent of senior roles, and men have a significant impact on women’s decision-making.

The best mentors are often the senior women with whom you establish a relationship and then they become the sizing board for you. Put yourself out there and meet the senior women in your organization and if they reciprocate your interest, you can build a relationship just like any other.

Now the companies need to take more decisive action. It starts with the treatment of gender diversity as a business priority, as well as among leaders responsible for outcomes, starting with goal setting. In the case of recruitment promotions and promotions it is necessary to close gender gaps, especially early in the pipeline when women are often neglected. And that means taking bold steps to create a respectful and inclusive culture that makes women and all employees feel safe and supported in the workplace.

11. Self-promote

Many women feel uncomfortable talking about their success. However, if no one knows about your contribution except people who work closely with your people, then you are in a more risky position in case of any organizational change.

If self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to you, there are other ways to show off your skills. In most companies, there are ways in which you can demonstrate your knowledge. Sending a monthly email to your boss and his boss can be as simple as keeping them updated on the progress of various projects and any successes.

As a woman it is not always easy to navigate the professional world but with the resources of a live care you will have the power to count.


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